So far we've never come across a failed circuit board. They are well made with decent screw terminals for connecting the wires with.

Here are some pictures:

Switch Side

Non Switch Side

The temperature on Cloud 9s can be calibrated using the two variable resistors:

  • 'SVR1' adjusts the switch-side temperature
  • 'SVR2' adjusts the non switch side side temperature

Cloud 9s have a variable temperature setting. When the LED's show 150c the actual temperature is normally within 0.5 degC on each plate once the heaters have been calibrated. At 200 degC the temperature is usually about 195c and 'High' is about 205c.

There are two newer versions of this PCB - a number of faults can be had with these. It's best to use the repair-service in this instance...

Cloud9 Repair Service

Cloud9 Repair Service

Most Cloud Nine hair straighteners can be repaired!If you wish to send your Hair Straighteners away ..


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